18. Rendering Pages with JSX

With this restructuring in place, and with Browserify building /src/Pages/index.jsx, it seems natural to use JSX for that file too. Looking at gulpfile.js again, we can see that file is going through the following stages:

  1. Source file at /src/Pages/index.jsx
  2. The ‘jsx’ task transforms it and writes the output to /bin/Pages/index.js
  3. The ‘client-scripts’ task runs Browserify on /bin/Pages/index.js and overwrites that file with the output

For clear illustration of this, we can temporarily update gulpfile.js so that the output of the ‘client-scripts’ task goes to /bin/Pages/bundles. We can then see that the intermediate output is written to /bin/Pages/index.js and the bundled output goes to /bin/Pages/bundles/index.js. Now that we get that, we can revert the change though.

Since /src/Pages/index.jsx is going through the JSX transform though, let’s go ahead and use JSX for it.

var React = require('react')
var HelloWorld = require('../Components/HelloWorld')
var Timestamp = require('../Components/Timestamp')

    <HelloWorld from='index.jsx, transformed, bundled,
        and running on the client' />,

var timestampElement = React.render(
    <Timestamp />,

setInterval(function() {
        date: "Updated through setState: "
              + new Date().toString() }) },

Just to make sure this actually worked, the <HelloWorld> message was changed slightly. But yeah, this worked like a charm!

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